Welcome to my new blog page. I'm not sure if that is the correct term for it! My earlier blogs can be found at http://alisonstuart.bigblog.com.au/blog.do
Breaking news! By the Sword is a finalist in the 2008 Eppie Awards. "The Eppies" are the major awards for electronically published books. The winner won't be announced until March at the "Epicon" convention. Unfortunately, as I live in Australia and the convention is in Portland, Oregon it is unlikely I will be there, but it is such a thrill to be nominated.
By the Sword was actually my very first novel, although it bears little resemblance to the early "iteration" and chronologically comes before The King's Man. It is "the book of my heart" and I find it enormously satisfying that, after years of trying to find a publisher, of my two novels, it is the one that the readers (and judges!) seemed to favour.
If you would like to read an excerpt go to http://www.alisonstuart.com/excerpts.html#by%20the%20sword%20excerpt